
Espa Yeh Panes Natural Hot Spring Resort is natural tourist attraction located in Penatahan vilage, Tabanan regency.Espa Yeh Panes Natural Hot Spring Resort has uniqueness such as hot springs tourist attraction with the beautiful scene.The research study aimed to provide an overview about the community participation typology in management of Espa Yeh Panes Natural Hot Spring Resort. 
 The research method used is qualitativeand quantitavive.The theory and concept used are concept of tourist attraction, concept of management and theory of participation typology in participation.To answer the research questions, data collection was conducted through observation, interviews, and literature study.The sampling techniques used were purposive sampling. Data were analyzed by using descriptive qualitative analysis such as reduction data, collection data and verification. 
 The analysis show that community participation typology in the management of tourist attraction in Espa Yeh Panes Natural Hot Spring Resort is induced participation because because local community invite to involve by PT Sentra Tirta in management of tourist attraction in Espa Yeh Panes Natural Hot Spring Resort.The characteristic of induced participation in Espa Yeh Panes Natural Hot Spring Resort is top-down, local community get sharing to benefit, local community hear and be heard but their views are not necessarily considered by decision-makers and feedback from the local community. Therefore, people need to be empowered in management of tourist attraction in Espa Yeh Panes Natural Hot Spring Resort to get benefit from the development of tourism in the region.


  • Perkembangan pariwisata dapat mendorong terjadinya perubahan dalam pemanfaatan lahan, memberi dampak terhadap kehidupan sosial maupun ekonomi (Khodyat dalam Afandi, 2015)

  • Espa Yeh Panes Natural Hot Spring Resort is natural tourist attraction located in Penatahan vilage, Tabanan regency

  • Espa Yeh Panes Natural Hot Spring Resort has uniqueness such as hot springs tourist attraction with the beautiful scene.The research study aimed to provide an overview about the community participation typology in management of Espa Yeh Panes Natural Hot Spring Resort

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Perkembangan pariwisata dapat mendorong terjadinya perubahan dalam pemanfaatan lahan, memberi dampak terhadap kehidupan sosial maupun ekonomi (Khodyat dalam Afandi, 2015). Keberadaan daya tarik wisata perlu didukung dengan adanya potensi wisata yang terdapat pada suatu daerah. Yulianie (2015) menyebutkan dalam pariwisata masyarakat menitikberatkan pada keseimbangan dan keharmonisan diantara sumber daya alam dan sumber daya manusia serta pengunjung atau wisatawan yang dijiwai dengan pemanfaatan kearifan lokal sebagai daya tarik wisata, memelihara lingkungan tetap lestari, mengkonsumsi hasil pertanian setempat serta mencintai budaya, adat istiadat masyarakat setempat. Partisipasi masyarakat memberikan kontribusi dalam perkembangan pariwisata pada daya tarik wisata yang terdapat di daerahnya. Keberhasilan pengelolaan daya tarik wisata diukur dengan adanya pariwisata berbasis masyarakat sehingga tercipta hubungan yang harmonis antara masyarakat lokal, sumber daya alam/budaya, dan wisatawan (Natori, 2001). Espa Yeh Panes Natural Hot Spring Resort memiliki keunikan tersendiri berupa tempat pemandian air panas dan air dingin serta jacuzi (pijatan-pijatan gelembung air) dengan dikelilingi panorama alam yang indah sehingga menarik untuk dikunjungi oleh wisatawan.

Konsep Pengelolaan
Konsep Daya Tarik Wisata Menurut Undang-UndangNomor 10 Tahun
METODE PENELITIAN Penelitian dilakukan pada Daya Tarik
Masyarakat memperoleh hak dalam pembagian keuntungan
Terdapat pula feedback dari masyarakat
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