
With a reported rise in global air pollution, more than 50% of the population remains exposed to toxic air pollutants in the form of particulate matters (PMs). PMs, from various sources and of varying sizes, have a significant impact on health as long-time exposure to them has seen a correlation with various health hazards and have also been determined to be carcinogenic. In addition to disrupting known cellular pathways, PMs have also been associated with lncRNA dysregulation-a factor that increases predisposition towards the onset or progression of cancer. lncRNA dysregulation is further seen to mediate glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) progression. The vast array of information regarding cancer types including GBM and its various precursors can easily be obtained via innovative in silico approaches in the form of databases such as GEO and TCGA; however, a need to obtain selective and specific information correlating anthropogenic factors and disease progression-in the case of GBM-can serve as a critical tool to filter down and target specific PMs and lncRNAs responsible for regulating key cancer hallmarks in glioblastoma. The current review article proposes an in silico approach in the form of a database that reviews current updates on correlation of PMs with lncRNA dysregulation leading to GBM progression.

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