
Particular Timelike Flows in Global Lorentzian Geometry by Alexander Dirmeier This work investigates the topological and causal characteristics of Lorentzian manifolds (M, g), which possess a complete and timelike unit vector field V , or in other words a global timelike flow, as an additional structure. Naturally, these Lorentzian manifolds are spacetimes. General geometric requirements for these spacetimes to split diffeomorphically as a product R × S, with the vector field V along the R-factor and S the space of flow lines of V , are derived. The possible causality conditions for these splitting spacetimes are analyzed and a complete causal classification is given. Sub-classes of these splitting spacetimes can be obtained by a classification according to a decomposition of the covariant derivative ∇V of the given timelike vector field. The specific sub-classes of sliced spacetimes and stationary spacetimes are analyzed with regard to global hyperbolicity and several new relations are obtained. For stationary and homothetic spacetimes, a new version of the Lorentzian Bochner technique is derived. Finally, conformal Lorentzian submersions, and particularly Hubble-isotropic spacetimes, are analyzed and conditions for their global hyperbolicity and geodesic completeness are obtained.

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