
The XVI Symposium in the Particles, Strings and Cosmology (PASCOS) series took place on 19–23 July 2010, in the historic city of Valencia, and was hosted by the Instituto de Física Corpuscular (IFIC), the largest particle physics laboratory of the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC), jointly operated with the University of Valencia. The PASCOS series of annual symposia is dedicated to the latest advances on the study of the forces that govern the elementary constituents of matter – the microcosm – and their effects on the understanding of the Universe at large – the macrocosm. Indeed the basic principles of uncertainty and mass-energy equivalence imply that when one probes deep inside the subatomic scale, one inevitably excites states of very high energy and mass which were copiously produced at the Big Bang. Recreating these particles in the laboratory is tantamount to tracing back the very early history of the universe. The interface of particle physics, string theory and cosmology has indeed become a highly active field of research at the frontier of human knowledge and the PASCOS meetings aim to bring together researchers from the three areas so as to facilitate the exchange of ideas and to identify possible synergies. The series started in the mid-nineties in the United States, where the first events took place. However it has by now become truly global, having circulated through India, South Korea, the United Kingdom, Canada and Germany. The aim of the conference was to review the recent progress in particle physics, string theory and cosmology, promoting the exchange of ideas and discussing future prospects. With the startup of LHC and the launch of the Planck satellite as well as many other experiments under way or planned, PASCOS2010 looked at an exciting future, giving theorists an opportunity to prepare for this wealth of new data and the stringent tests to which they will subject the existing theories. While the conferences in this series have traditionally been aimed mainly at theorists, PASCOS2010 had a stronger emphasis on new results and future experiments.The venue for PASCOS 2010 was the Fundación Universidad Empresa (ADEIT), a modern building, located in the historical city centre of Valencia and very close to the conference hotels and to most historic buildings and monuments. The scientific programme consisted of 26 invited Plenary Talks and 99 contributions, all available online at http://pascos2010.astroparticles.es/. Young researchers were encouraged to submit abstracts, many of which were subsequently selected by the organizing committee for oral presentation in parallel sessions. This year's symposium, attended by over 160 participants from all over the globe, was of particular significance, as it came in the wake of first data from the LHC as well as the Planck satellite. In general, plenary sessions were held in the mornings, with afternoons devoted to parallel sessions focussing on the three areas of particles, strings and cosmology. Official Inauguration and Public TalkThe Opening of the Symposium took place in the main Auditorium of ADEIT, starting with a brief welcome address by Professor José W F Valle, Chair of the Organizing Committee, followed by addresses of Professor Pedro Carrasco, Research Vice-Rector of the University of València, Professor José Pío Beltran, representing the President of the CSIC, and Professor Francisco Botella, Director of IFIC. There was also a very successful popular science talk by Professor Carlos Frenk, Director of the Institute for Computational Cosmology at Durham University in the United Kingdom on ‘The Structure of the Universe’. This as well as the opening of the PASCOS2010 conference was covered by the local media, and a short summary is also published in the CERN Courier. Valencia, October 2010 The Editors Susana Cabrera, Martin Hirsch,Vasiliki Mitsou, Carlos Mũoz, Sergio Pastor, María Amparo Tórtola, José W. F. Valle and Óscar VivesThe PDF contains a list of committees, sponsors and participants and copies of some conference photographs and the conference poster

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