
This research is aiming at describing: (1) the implementation of community empowerment training of PKH companions, (2) types of participative evaluation used in the PKH companion training, and (3) obstacles and supporting factors in PKH companion training using the participative evaluation. The study employed qualitative approach with case study framework. It was conducted in PKH companion training in Klojen district, Malang. The subjects of this research were companions as facilitators of the community empowerment training. The data collection was carried out by deep interview, focus group discussion, observation, and documentation. The data obtained were reduced according to the objectives of the research. Later on, it was presented in description of fact, then conclusion or verification was drawn. The finding of the research showed: (1) the learning method used in the PKH companion training was andragogy approach which emphasized on active participation and participants’ experiences, (2) the evaluation employed in the PKH companion training was participatory rural appraisal (PRA) method by conducting focus group discussions (FGD) and questionnaires, (3) the weakness of employing this participative evaluation was it took relatively long time and the discussion tended to be out of the context. Meanwhile, the strength of the participative evaluation was the openness of information which made the training participants feel the democratic atmosphere during the training evaluation process. Keywords: Participative evaluation, Training quality, Community empowerment, Program Keluarga Harapan


  • These days, knowledge and technology are rapidly developing

  • Some obstacles found in using the participative evaluation were 1) the duration for Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA) was exceed the schedule, 2) the participants did not come on time, so the participative evaluation process was delayed, 3) not all participants were actively involved in the Focus Group Discussion (FGD), 3) the participative evaluation was not carried out based to the schedule, and 4) the number of the committee carrying out the participative evaluation was limited

  • The learning method employed in this PKH companion training was andragogy learning approach which emphasized the active participation and participants’ experience utilization

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These days, knowledge and technology are rapidly developing. This phenomenon demands human beings’ needs to be advanced as well. One of the needs is the need of education. In the law number 20 year 2003 about the National Education System, it is explained that Indonesian education consists of three types, namely formal, non-formal, and informal educations. Those three are needs that are important to be fulfilled by everyone during their life. When the education need is fulfilled, they have knowledge, skills, and positive attitude, so they are able to adapt to the development of community’s needs

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