
The author examines the role of libraries in accomplishing diverse economic tasks during the Great Patriotic War (WWII). Before the war, the libraries accumulated this specific experience and expanded it in timely and integrated manner. The author demonstrates how the libraries participated in engaging new workpower to the industries, including women and teenagers who had to replace those who went off to war. The libraries assisted in teaching teenagers and young adults in their off-work hours and their professional training. The activities of the libraries in the backlands is discussed: information support of evacuated enterprises and research centers, new groups of users, and researchers, in particular. Statistical data available from multiple publications (see the applied list of sources). The author examines this subject in his several works, including papers presented at various forums and articles published in the present journal (e. g. Libraries’ accomplishing military and defense tasks during the Great Patriotic War. – 2020. – № 4; Unknown lives: D. B. Marchukov heading the State Foundation for Reviving Libraries Destroyed During the Great Patriotic War. – 2017. – № 1).


  • The author examines the role of libraries in accomplishing diverse economic tasks

  • how the libraries participated in engaging new workpower to the industries

  • The libraries assisted in teaching teenagers

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The author examines the role of libraries in accomplishing diverse economic tasks during the Great Patriotic War (WWII). В начале войны республиканский комитет профсоюза работников политико-просветительных учреждений Казахстана обратился ко всем политпросветработникам, в том числе и к библиотекарям, с призывом организовать широкую разъяснительную работу среди жен рабочих и служащих, среди домашних хозяек по привлечению их на производство взамен ушедших на фронт [3]. Центральная городская библиотека провела более 30 различных массовых мероприятий для домашних хозяек с целью их вовлечения в производство [4]. Свой посильный вклад в это патриотическое движение вносили все библиотеки страны [7].

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