
Teeth which are extensively destructed coronally are usually treated with root canal therapy and reinforced by placement of post in the root canals, no matter if the tooth is still vital or not. This case report presents two cases of coronal pulpotomy using PRF and BiodentineTM in mature permanent teeth which were extensively destructed by caries. The intra oral periapical radiograph illustrated a deep carious lesion extended almost to the pulp. After caries excavation under rubber dam isolation, the exposed pulp tissue was amputated to the level of the canal orifice with a new sterile bur. PRF followed by BiodentineTM was placed as the pulp capping agent after haemostasis was obtained and temporary restoration was placed. The clinical signs and symptoms were relieved after the procedure. After 15 days, the temporary restoration was removed and a GIC restoration was placed over the BiodentineTM as an interim restoration. At 12 months follow-up, the teeth were asymptomatic. The choice of Endo-crown prosthesis was made for coronal rehabilitation of extensively destructed teeth. This kind of partial endodontic procedure in mature permanent teeth with extensively destructed coronal tooth structure can revive the teeth to their normal function by maintaining the vitality and proprioception of the teeth.

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