
The article reveals the features of parliamentary responsibility of the governments of Western Europe. When the government or some of its members is to be failing to carry out their duties, parliament can initiate procedures which have the potential to replace all or part of the government. There are two different types of procedure. One is the withdrawal of confidence in the government or in individual ministers. The requirement for a certain minimum number of votes to be obtained before such motions can be initiated or passed highlights the relative strengths of the different political groups within parliament. Where the government has a parliamentary majority, it can usually count on that majority to block the motions. The majority of the parliaments in Europe allow votes of no confidence in the government. Where the legitimacy of the government rests on parliamentary confidence, the withdrawal or denial of confidence by parliament can force the government out of power. For a vote of no confidence to be passed an absolute majority of all members of the chamber (or chambers, if votes are taken in joint session) is required. Where the collective responsibility of the Cabinet is stressed, a votum of no confidence againstindividual members is prohibited. Several parliaments admit both collective and individual responsibility and allow both types of no confidence motions. The difference between votum of no confidence in the government as a whole and votum against individual ministers were researched.It is concluded that institute of government’ parliamentary responsibility of is the an integral feature of a democratic state with parliamentarianism, ensuring the optimal functioning of the highest bodies of state legislative and executive power.

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