
Parking management is used to balance the supply and demand for parking. Furthermore, it is used to limit the traffic demand and enable the efficient functioning of the traffic network. However, street parking regulations are uneasy to enforce. In almost all cities in Serbia, parking on the street does not work in the desired way. Many drivers park on prohibited places. Those who park on regular places where one of the restrictive regimes applies, often do so without paying and/or exceeding the prescribed time limit. Poor functioning of the enforcement system was recognized as one of the main causes for the poor parking condition. Parking enforcement represents a reaction to non-compliance with the prescribed parking regimes. For adequate reaction, it is necessary to understand the causes and patterns of such drivers behavior. Therefore, we need to investigate the connection between non-compliance with the parking regime and the control and sanctioning of violations. The analysis of the parking situation in three cities in Serbia assessed the extent and consequences of non-compliance with the parking regime on street parking places. In addition, it determined the causes of insufficient efficiency of the system for controlling and sanctioning parking violations. We proposed possible directions and measures for mitigating these problems. As argument, we pointed out positive experiences and effects from cities in Europe and the world that implemented those measures.

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