
We examine the effect induced on cosmological correlators by the simultaneous breaking of parity and of statistical isotropy. As an example of this, we compute the scalar-scalar, scalar-tensor, tensor-tensor and scalar-scalar-scalar cosmological correlators in presence of the coupling ℒ = f(ϕ) ( − 1/4 F2 + γ/4 F ̃F ) between the inflaton ϕ and a vector field with vacuum expectation value A. For a suitably chosen function f, the energy in the vector field ρA does not decay during inflation. This results in nearly scale-invariant signatures of broken statistical isotropy and parity. Specifically, we find that the scalar-scalar correlator of primordial curvature perturbations includes a quadrupolar anisotropy, Pζ(k) = P(k)[1+g*(k̂⋅Â)2], and a (angle-averaged) scalar bispectrum that is a linear combination of the first 3 Legendre polynomials, Bζ(k1, k2, k3) = ∑L cL PL (k̂1 ⋅ k̂2) P(k1) P(k2) + 2 perms , with c0:c1:c2=2-3:1 (c1≠0 is a consequence of parity violation, corresponding to the constant 0γ ≠ ). The latter is one of the main results of this paper, which provides for the first time a clear example of an inflationary model where a non-negligible c1 contribution to the bispectrum is generated. The scalar-tensor and tensor-tensor correlators induce characteristic signatures in the Cosmic Microwave Background temperature anisotropies (T) and polarization (E/B modes); namely, non-diagonal contributions to ⟨aℓ1m1a*ℓ2m2⟩, with |ℓ1 − ℓ2| = 1 in TT, TE, EE and BB, and |ℓ1 − ℓ2| = 2 in TB and EB. The latest CMB bounds on the scalar observables (g*, c0, c1 and c2), translate into the upper limit ρA / ρϕ ≲ 10−9 at 0γ=. We find that the upper limit on the vector energy density becomes much more stringent as γ grows.

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