
Introduction. The need to rethink and adjust the process of preparing a future teacher for class guidance is due to difficulties in choosing adequate forms and methods of educational work, insufficient preparation of the teacher for the perception of the child as a subject of own development, as well as an insufficient level of knowledge of the metacompetencies of the modern world The purpose of the study is to analyze theoretical aspects and to identify parents' satisfaction with the activities of the form teacher as a key figure in the educational process of the Russian educational process subjects. Materials and methods. Therefore, representatives of the parent community of educational organizations (251 respondents) participated the study. Among them, 215 (85.7%) were female parents, 36 (14.3%) were male ones. The age limits of respondents ranged from 35 to 60 years. The survey covered parents from the following regions of the Russian Federation: the Chechen Republic – 215 people, the Republic of Ingushetia – 18 people. Also there were 18 people from the other regions of Russia. The survey was conducted by means of using the author's questionnaire, which included 15 questions aimed at identifying satisfaction with the activities of the form teacher as a key figure in the educational process and formulating the request of parents as subjects of the educational process Results of the study. The conducted survey aimed at identifying the degree of satisfaction with the work of the form teacher allows the authors of the study to state that the vast majority of parents are satisfied with their relationship with the form teachers (more than 95% of parents); they attend parent meetings at school (more than 95% of parents), have feedback (93.2% of parents), also have a fairly successful mutual understanding with their children (85.7% of parents), which allows both parents and form teachers to create a comfortable educational space for all its participants Conclusion. In the modern technological world, when virtual communication dominates the living word, there is a certain devaluation of the spiritual sphere, the collaboration of the “parent-student-form teacher” system becomes really important. A form teacher in a modern school is a teacher–mentor who supports and guides students, who helps them in solving educational and personal issues and problems, creates a developing space in the classroom, organizes events and involves students in socially useful activities.

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