
AbstractBackground and objectiveAlthough “parents' participation in taking care of hospitalized children” is considered as anindispensible principle today, it is still among the concepts with no consensus about it. The mainobjective of this study is to define “parents' participation in taking care of hospitalized children”using hybrid model.Materials and methodsIn this research analysis of “parental participation in parents' participation in taking care ofhospitalized children” was performed using a hybrid model in three steps: literature review(theoretical step), field work, and combination of literature review and field work.FindingsBased on the step of literature review, the best definition for the concept of “parental participation intaking care of hospitalized children” was selected. In the field work step, dimensions of mentionedconcept were extracted; and finally definition of this concept by mixing theoretical and field workstep was proposed as: mutual relationship and gaining parents’ trust, giving required informationand educations to the parents about care and treatment process, asking parents for doing neededhome care jobs, involving the parents in care processes, and finally defining participation/decisionmaking authorities (clarifying the parents role).ConclusionThe findings of this study elucidated dimensions of parental participation in NICU where givingattention to them can lead to their putting to practice.Key Words: Parental participation, Hospital, Nursing, Hybrid model*Corresponding Author:Mahvash Salsali, Faculty of Nursing & Midwifery, Tehran University ofMedical Sciences, Tehran, IranE-mail : m_salsali@hotmail.comREFERENCES-Aein F Alhani F Mohammadi E et al (2009). 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