
Kesamben Kulon Village is one of the villages in Wringinanom District, Gresik Regency, East Java Province. The geographical condition of this village is dominated by rice fields, this causes most of the people to make a living as farmers. The community in this village is faced with several problems, namely the high economic level of the lower middle class and the low level of education. Until now, this village is still faced with problems in the field of education. One of them is the pattern of parents in educating their children which is done self-taught. That is, parents educate their children based on the experience they have gained, not based on educational knowledge. This will have an impact on the success of children in passing their developmental tasks. Educating with this pattern will make children not optimal in their growth and development. This community service program is to provide training to parents regarding how to recognize character and stimulate the development of early childhood learning (Parenting). The service method carried out is divided into three stages, namely, preparation, implementation and evaluation. The benefit generated by this program is that parents will gain knowledge and skills on how to help early childhood children grow and develop according to their potential through appropriate stimulation.

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