
Providing effective health care for infants who receive immunization is very of a strong necessity for their health and safety. According to immunization can cause adverse effects in various types, which call as Adverse Events Following Immunization (AEFI). The AEFI usually can occur in various types such as skin rash and redness, fever, and pain. In case of severe side effects; anaphylactic shock may occur. Therefore, parents need to provide health care for their young children. This pilot study was aimed at studying how parents provide care for their infants about vaccination at one hospital in Thailand. Ten parents of infants were purposive selection. Data were collected by interview and observation with record form. Data analysis was done through content analysis and descriptive statistic methods. The findings displayed all parents took their infants for vaccination without checking the names and benefits of the vaccines. Two grandmothers gave medicine for relieving the fever of their infants both before and after vaccination. During vaccination, eight parents could not hold their infants appropriately. Five parents did not know how to support their infants during the injection. One grandmother relieved the fever of her infant by soaking in warm water mixed with limejuice. Two grandparents applied the balm and herbal medicated oil for relieving edema and pain at the injection area. Three grandparents applied herbal powder at the vaccinated area to decrease inflammation. All of them did not know of and thus did not observe AEFI events. Ultimately, the pilot study reflects the limitation of knowledge, beliefs, and practice among parents in relation to vaccination care for their infants. Thus, nurses and health personnel should create and provide family health education for enhancing relevant knowledge, beliefs, and skills for parents of infants.

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