
Nabhan, M., Z.Sh. Khamis and B. Hawis. 2023. Parasitoid Wasps of Green Lacewing, Chrysoperla carnea in Cotton Fields in Hama Governorate, Syria: New Records and Some Biological Aspects. Arab Journal of Plant Protection, 41(3): 306-313. https://doi.org/10.22268/AJPP-41.3.306313 This study aimed to identify parasitoid species of Chrysoperla carnea stages, and to evaluate their effect on predator’s population in the field. Three hymenopteran parasitoid species of this predator were collected and identified. Telenomus acrobates Giard (Hymenoptera: Scelionidae) was found to parasitize the eggs, and was previously recorded in northern Syria. Two other species parasitized the larva-pupa stage of the predator, and are recorded for the first time in Syria in this study. The first species is Baryscapus chrysopae (Crawford, 1915) (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae), which showed a parasitism rate of 23.08% and 28.75% of the total collected eggs in 2017 and 2018 seasons, respectively, and 2-14 parasitoids individuals (males and females) emerged from each pupa. The second species was Perilampus chrysopae (Crawford, 1914) (Hymenoptera, Perilampidae), which showed a parasitism rate of 5.13% and 23.81% of the total larvae collected in the two seasons, respectively, and one parasitoid individual (male or female) emerged from each pupa. Keywords: Chrysoperla carnea, Baryscapus chrysopae, Perilampus chrysopa, Telenomus acrobates, new record, Syria

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