
Editor's Note: In a world interconnected technologically and economically, old problems, including crime and terrorism, have often assumed new and more threatening forms for which international boundaries have less meaning. Serious threats may therefore be initiated, organized, and conducted from remote parts of the world, parts remaining outside of effective governmental control. However, the lack of effective, recognized governmental control does not mean that these are “ungoverned territories.” Such rhetoric often leads to false assumptions on the part of policymakers and can result in dire policy consequences. Most governments base their activities and make decisions assuming that the world is divided into land areas of various sizes which constitute parts of particular states, and that the governments of these states exercise full control over their territories. Reality is different, since the world we live in is much more contested and complicated. Putting aside the various possible loyalties of the members of the societies inhabiting the territory formally belonging to a particular state, we note the existence of areas that remain outside the full and authentic authority of any state and that are often controlled by structures that are undemocratic and intent on forwarding their own interests outside of such legitimate control. The organizations in charge of these areas prefer not to attract international attention and are interested in keeping themselves invisible as parts of the states within whose borders they are formally located. Such territories are often under the control of transnational criminal or terrorist organizations and …

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