
Since the Chartered Engineer can make a major contribution to all the most important problems of the regulation of civilization, it follows that he has a tremendous responsibility to society to study these problems and devote as much as possible of his skill in original engineering to their solution. It is suggested that in the future every engineer will take a Hippocratic oath on becoming chartered. It also follows that the C.E.I. must have, in the future, a very great responsibility for working out national and international policy on engineering developments. There are a number of major problems which urgently need consideration by qualified engineers on a national basis. The Chartered Engineer of the future will be trained for this responsibility by developing his natural inventiveness and showing him how to make the inventive leap by teaching him the application of the laws of science to inventive problems and by teaching the knowledge of reality through the hands (creative design). The engineer will be trained on how to think about and understand his social responsibility. The C.E.I. will take a number of active steps to upgrade the status of engineering in the schools, including the setting up of a special grade of Fellowship. The Chartered Engineer of the future will decide what to invent and develop by his understanding both of the needs of humanity and their economic solution.

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