
High spatial resolution multispectral (HMS) images can provide sufficient information for researchers to analyze the potential disasters in the living environment. However, an original multispectral (MS) image is with low-space-resolution and high-spectrum-resolution, while an original panchromatic (PAN) image has the opposite property. Pansharpening aims at obtaining HMS image by retaining spectrum of the MS image and injecting details of the PAN image simultaneously. In this paper, we present a new pansharpening method. First, we use a bilateral filter (BF) to obtain the low-frequency-component (LFC) of PAN and MS images, respectively. Then the high-frequency-component (HFC) of PAN and MS images are readily obtained. Second, an adaptive intensity-hue-saturation (AIHS) based method is applied to generate the HFC of intensity. Finally, a dual-scale guided image filter (GIF) is utilized to calculate the difference between HFC of intensity and PAN to get the detail images. And then, these detail images are injected into the original MS image to achieve the HMS image. The proposed method is applied into testing various satellite data sets, and performs better effect on both visual quality and objective indictors than the existing methods.

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