
This research investigated the psychological effects of selected first-time mothers in Cebu province during COVID-19. It further described the participant’s experiences as a first-time mother during a pandemic, the apprehensions and challenges of a first-time mom, and the effects on the psychological well-being of such challenges and uncertainties. This study utilized the qualitative research method. This study's sixteen (16) participants were selected through convenient and purposive random sampling. The researcher's semi-structured interview guide was used in data gathering through in-depth interviews. The thematic analysis of Braun and Clarke was used to analyze the qualitative data. Codes, categories, and common themes were identified from the transcript of in-depth interviews. Eight (8) emergent themes were established from the participants' responses that were classified under three (3) overarching themes that provided answers to the sub-problems. The emergent themes were extracted from the significant statements of the key participants. For the descriptions of the participants on their experiences as first-time moms during the pandemic, the overarching theme, The Experiences of the Participants during the Pandemic, has two (2) emergent themes that were categorized as: On Experiences on COVID-19 health protocols and Heightened Maternal Protective Instinct. For the challenges and apprehensions of the participants as first-time mothers during COVID-19, the overarching theme is Challenges and Apprehensions. The participants have two (2) emergent themes classified as Transition to Motherhood and Financial Factors Affecting Emotions. For the effects of such challenges and apprehensions on the psychological well-being of first-time mothers during COVID, the overarching theme Effects of Such Challenges and Apprehensions on the Psychological well-being of the Participants has four (4) emergent themes were identified: Psychological Effects during Motherhood; Increased Maternal Value; Relationship with Society; and Heightened Maternal Motivation from Witnessing Developmental Milestones. The findings and recommendations derived from the study were used to improve understanding of the lived experiences of first-time mothers during COVID and future research designed to delve into coping strategies for such experiences to the overall well-being.

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