
Eating disorders (EDs) are serious mental health conditions that can have devastating physical and psychological effects. They are significantly underdiagnosed and undertreated, and many individuals suffer in silence due to stigma, shame, and lack of access to appropriate care. Adolescents and transitional age youth (TAY) suffer from high prevalence of EDs, highlighting the need for effective prevention and intervention strategies, and improved access to evidence-based treatment options. Estimates suggest that at least 9% of the global population suffers from EDs, with the average age of onset being 18 years.1 Adolescents aged 13 to 18 are particularly vulnerable, with approximately 2.7% affected. TAY likely have an even higher number of ED cases.2 EDs have the highest fatality rates of any mental illness, with an estimated 4% of patients with anorexic nervosa dying from complications.3

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