
Palynofacies studies of the strata penetrated by HA-001 well were carried out with the aim to establish palynostratigraphic zones and paleodepositional environments. The standard acid palynological method of sample administration was employed to recover the palynofacies, soaking and washing of samples with water for sedimentological analyses and integration of Gamma Ray Log, palynofacies and sedimentological data for interpretation of paleodepositional environments. The study established two new assemblage biozones namely Cyperaceaepollis sp. – Nympheaepollis clarus, and Stereisporites sp. within the sedimentary intervals penetrated in the wells. The Cyperaceaepollis sp. – Nympheaepollis clarus biozones were further subdivided into Nympheaepollis clarus – Echitriletes pliocenicus and Cyperaceaepollis sp. – Elaeis guineensis subzones. The Late Miocene age is associated with the biozones. The lithologic, textural and wireline log data indicated that the intervals studied in the HA-001 well belong to the Benin Formation and Agbada Formation. Index minerals and accessories are dominated by ferruginous materials, glauconite pellets, carbonaceous detritus, shell fragments and pyrites plus minor mica flakes. Lower delta plain, delta front and prodelta environment of deposition were inferred for the studied well intervals. The research has conformed to international stratigraphic guide for establishment of biozones which serves to increase the knowledge of high resolution biostratigraphy.

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