
The palynofacies and sedimentological analyses of the sedimentary succession of the HB-001 well were carried out to establish biozones and the palaeodepositional environment. Ninety-six samples of ditch cutting within intervals of depth of 1250 -4011 m were analyzed. Most of the previous researchers established biozones with alpha-numeric method. The use of palynomorphs and palynofacies analyses to delineate paleoenvironment of deposition has been applied to a limited extent in the Niger Delta Basin in Nigeria. The analysis produced fairly diverse and moderately abundant pollen and spores with high recoveries of palynomaceral 1 and 2 and minimal retrievals of palynomaceral 3 and 4. The textural, lithologic, as well as wireline log data point out that the whole studied interval in the HB-001 well fit in to the Agbada Formation. Late Miocene age was assigned on the bases of the analysis of stratigraphic age range of indicative palynological markers for example Zonocostites ramonae, Verrucatosporites sp., Laevigatosporites sp., Monoporites annulatus, Pachydermites diederixi and Psila,tricolporites crassus. Two assemblage zones were established in the well with the use of the International Stratigraphic Guide for the biozones establishment. The two recognized palynostratigraphic zones are Cyperaceaepollis sp. – Nympheaepollis clarus, and Stereisporites sp Zones. Lower delta plain, pro-delta and delta front depositional environments have been deciphered for well with the use of the palynofacies association, palyno-ecological groupings, and sedimentological features. Bodies of sand that signify sub-environments inside these settings are deposited in sequences. Every sequence begins with a transgressive stage, after that considerable regression. The palyno-ecological groupings of the retrieved palynomorph taxa revealed that the well intervals studied were deposited under alternating wet and dry paleoclimatic settings. The zones of dry climate presented high account of montane and savannah taxa and low incidence of rainforest, mangrove and freshwater taxa. The zones of wet climate signified increased account of rainforest, freshwater and mangrove taxa and lower incidences of montane and savannah taxa.

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