
Crete was not included in the Greek kingdom established in 1830. Consequently, the Cretan Question became one of the major issues of Greek irredentism during the 19th century. Owing to its strategic location, Crete was vitally important to the British for protecting the sea-lanes to their eastern empire. Palmerston, the British foreign secretary, was determined to settle the Cretan Question. In the 1830s he promoted the establishment of an autonomous hegemony in Crete under a Chrutian governor subservient to the Turkish sultan. But when an insurrection broke out in Crete in 1841 the hegemony plan was abandoned because the British government felt that if it intervened at the Sublime Porte in favor of the insurrection, its influence in Turkey would be jeopardized and similar outbreaks would be encouraged elsewhere in the Ottoman Empire.

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