
Tiny autonomous embedded electronics (sensor nodes) devices able to communicate through wireless channels are ensuring the emission and reception of data through a communication radio between two sensors grouped by hundreds and thousands within Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs). These amazing new technology with ongoing research worldwide, are merging networking, systems hardware, systems software and programming methodologies thus enabling applications that previously were not practical. Hence numerical simulations on computers can now visualize the physical world phenomena that could be observed through empirical means, as sensors are deployed in a dedicated environment, to fulfill their aim of sensing for any occurrence of the event of interest. The data sensed by these wireless sensors are now very sensitive, thus need to be fully protected by all means, which is why T. D. Engouang et al., argued that securityand reliability and also durability are mandatory when deploying any sensor nodes or hard device. The Pallier based homomorphic encryption data aggregation is proposed with security measures preserving data integrity and privacy.

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