
This chapter continues the argument for a dialectical integration of practice improvement and theory/knowledge advancement through participatory action learning and action research (PALAR) methodology. I explain an alternative to the traditional, positivist paradigm of learning and knowledge creation developed in terms of ontology (our assumptions about the nature of being/reality), epistemology (our assumptions about the nature of knowledge and knowing) and methodology (our consequent approach to problem solving and inquiry strategy). The chapter is based on (1) my perspective, drawing on more than 30 years of professional experience using action learning and action research and (2) my theoretical framework that includes selected aspects and principles taken from several existing theories, including grounded theory, action theory, critical educational theory, systems theory, personal construct theory and experiential learning theory. This framework explains why PALAR can be so powerful and successful in organizational change programmes. It therefore underscores the utility of PALAR for professional and action leadership development in the present time of rapid change and unpredictability. The chapter also synthesizes a thesis and an antithesis to produce a dialectic methodology.

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