
The teacher as a determinant of the method in learning has a very important role in increasing the success of students and the success of a learning process can be seen from how the learning strategies have been applied by a teacher, especially in learning Islamic religious education. Learning Strategy is a plan that contains a series of activities specifically designed (either methods or utilization of various resources) to achieve certain educational goals. The type of research method used is a qualitative method because this research is a descriptive study designed to obtain information about the implementation of strategies to improve learning achievement in Islamic education at Muhammadiyah Bilingual Full Days School. The aims of this study are: The results of this study are expected to provide a constructive contribution, able to provide a positive stimulant in the development of Islamic religious education, especially the role of teachers in improving student achievement in learning Islamic religious education in bilingual-based schools. To achieve the above objectives, a qualitative research approach is used. In the process of collecting data, the author uses several methods, namely the method of observation, interviews and documentation. As for the data analysis, the author uses a qualitative descriptive analysis technique, namely in the form of a written presentation of data regarding related data, both written and verbal, from the object of research at the institution mentioned above, which has been observed, where in this case the author describes it in detail. thoroughly about the real situation. In conclusion, the success of Islamic Religious Education teachers in increasing students' learning motivation in Islamic Religious Education subjects at MBF Al-Adzkiya Full days school Wonosobo was good and increasing. And it is also reflected in the morals of the students where students are always respectful to others.

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