
We derive an expression for the superfluid density of a uniform two-component Fermi gas through the BCS-BEC crossover in terms of the thermodynamic potential in the presence of an imposed superfluid flow. Treating the pairing fluctuations in a Gaussian approximation following the approach of Nozieres and Schmitt-Rink, we use this definition of {rho}{sub s} to obtain an explicit result which is valid at finite temperatures and over the full BCS-BEC crossover. It is crucial that the BCS gap {delta}, the chemical potential {mu}, and {rho}{sub s} all include the effect of fluctuations at the same level in a self-consistent manner. We show that the normal fluid density {rho}{sub n}{identical_to}n-{rho}{sub s} naturally separates into a sum of contributions from Fermi BCS quasiparticles ({rho}{sub n}{sup F}) and Bose collective modes ({rho}{sub n}{sup B}). The expression for {rho}{sub n}{sup F} is just Landau's formula for a BCS Fermi superfluid but now calculated over the BCS-BEC crossover. The expression for the Bose contribution {rho}{sub n}{sup B} is more complicated and only reduces to Landau's formula for a Bose superfluid in the extreme BEC limit, where all the fermions have formed stable Bose pairs and the Bogoliubov excitations of the associated molecular Bose condensate aremore » undamped. In a companion paper, we present numerical calculations of {rho}{sub s} using an expression equivalent to the one derived in this paper, over the BCS-BEC crossover, including unitarity, and at finite temperatures.« less

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