
ON Tuesday, May 19, the Right Hon. James Ramsay MacDonald, M.P., Lord President of the Council, will open the new buildings of the Paint Research Station, Teddington. The Research Association of British Paint, Colour and Varnish Manufacturers, incorporated in 1926, under the presidency of Mr. S. K. Thornley, really began its investigation work in a private laboratory, but soon, in May 1927, occupied a small converted factory at Teddington. Many alterations and additions were necessary, and in 1930 a substantial new block was added to the old building. In the autumn of 1935 a further extension, which Mr. MacDonald will open, was completed; altogether there is now extensive and admirable laboratory accommodation for chemical, physical and technical work, as well as a large library offering excellent reference facilities on all matters bearing upon the related industries. The Association is co-operatively financed with the assistance of the Department of Scientific and Industrial Research, and in common with other and similar research associations has for its aim the application of scientific knowledge and methods to the problems of the industries concerned, which range from paint to printing ink, pigments, varnishes, linoleum and the like. The work up to recent times has been mainly concerned with problems arising out of development and control of manufacture; but a special division has now been formed for the study of paint application problems, with a corresponding extension of interest to architects, builders and decorators. The original research work carried out at the Paint Research Station is, from time to time, set out in the form of technical papers and bulletins, of which some ninety have been issued to date. In addition, a comprehensive “Abstract Review of Current Literature in the Paint, Varnish and Allied Industries” is published and is available to interested people; as a reference journal on paint matters this “Abstract Review” is unique.

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