
Considerable progress has been made in connection with the scientific survey now being undertaken as a preliminary to the consideration of improved methods of treatment and prevention of the ever increasing menace of grain pests, of which there are some seventy varieties. The survey is being made by the Stored Products Laboratory, of the Imperial College of Science and Technology, under the direction of the Department of Scientific and Industrial Research, and is being conducted by Professor Munro, assisted by a staff of experienced entomologists. At the commencement of the survey a research committee was appointed under the chairmanship of Dr. E. J. Butler, C.M.G., C.I.E., the Secretary of the Agricultural Research Council, to supervise the survey, consider its results, and report to the Department. Membership of the Research Committee includes, in addition to representation from Government Departments, Mr. W. P. Henderson, the Chief Chemist of the L.M.S. Railway, and Mr. W. McAuley Gracie, M.B.E., M.Inst.T., Chairman of the Standing Conference on Pest Infestation set up by the Department of Scientific and Industrial Research. At a recent meeting of the Research Committee, Professor Munro submitted a progress report dealing with the scientific survey, and on the convincing evidence contained in the report the Department of Scientific and Industrial Research sought the opinion of the Standing Conference on Pest Infestation as to whether consideration of control and remedial measures should be undertaken forthwith. The Standing Conference, whose membership comprises representatives of Government Departments, trading authorities and associations, including the Ministry of Agriculture, the four main line railway companies, the Port of London Authority, the Association of Master Lightermen and Barge Owners, the Research Association of British Flour Millers, the National Federation of Corn Trade Associations, the National Association of Corn and Agricultural Merchants, the National Farmers' Union, the Brewers' Society and the Maltsters' Association, took unanimous resolutions desiring the Department to secure immediate consideration of control and remedial action appropriate to the varying circumstances, and to extend the constitution of the Conference to bring into contributing membership interests outside the grain trade, but who are concerned with other produce susceptible to pest infestation, inasmuch as they would derive benefit from this stage of the work. The Chairman was authorised to negotiate with the Department accordingly and standing orders were suspended to enable him to admit into membership such bodies as furnished the requisite proof of interest. The Conference also urged that the Department of Scientific and Industrial Research should consult immediately with other appropriate public departments to secure adequate arrangements being made for the complete treatment of the problems of prevention and cure. The cost of such treatment, however, has to be met largely by industrial contributions, but it is understood that there is indication that generous contribution may be made from public funds towards the cost of the immediate remedial stage, providing that substantial industrial financial backing is forthcoming. Promises of further financial support have already been secured, but more money is required before negotiation can be entered into with the Department to obtain help from public funds. The co‐operation of all industrial organisations faced with the problem of infestation, by taking up contributory membership to support the conference in its national work, is urgently required. The problems of infestation can only be successfully combated if the complete co‐operation of all sections of industry in any way affected is secured. Full details and information regarding membership of the Conference can readily be obtained on application to the Chairman of the Standing Conference on Pest Infestation at the Department of Scientific and Industrial Research, 16, Old Queen Street, London, S.W.1.

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