
The research presents a brief historical sketch of the formation of the Department of Normal Anatomy of the Military Medical Academy. CM. Kirov. Reflected pre-academic period of development of anatomy in St. Petersburg. The contribution of outstanding scientists, anatomists, heads of the department: P.A. Zagorsky, I.V. Buyalsky, N.I. Pirogov, V.L. Gruber, A.I. Tarenetsky, I.E. Shavlovsky, V.N. Tonkov, B.A. Long-Saburov and E.A. Dyskin. It is noted that at present, the department continues to develop traditional research areas (collateral circulation, neuromorphology, functional anatomy of various parts of the vascular system, the history of anatomy and museum work), modern research is being carried out (the study of the structural transformations of the microcirculatory bed and nervous system when exposed to various extreme factors, innovative technologies for the manufacture and preservation of natural biological objects, anatomical measurement of various organs and systems of human body). In this case, the priority areas are polymeric embalming, modern applied anatomical and clinical research and medical craniology. Much attention is paid to the improvement and integration of the educational process with related theoretical and clinical disciplines, in particular - to ensure its functional and clinical orientation. It is shown that as a result of the done work, the Department of Normal Anatomy of the Military Medical Academy at the beginning of the XXI century secured the status of the leading scientific and methodological centre of Russia for the study and development of the most pressing problems of modern morphology.

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