
Purpose:Iron deficiency anaemia is currently the most micronutrient deficiency affecting 1.5 billion people globally. in our country 50% of children are Anemic. the features of iron deficiency anaemia are almost similar with that of Panduroga mentioned in Ayurvedic classics. Punarnavadi mandura and Dadimadi Ghrita are mentioned in the management of Pandu. Mandura (Fe2O3) directly increases serum ferritin,Punarnava decreases gastric irritation produced by Mandura,while Dadimadi Ghrita helps for better digestion and absorption. Hence,the study was planned to find the efficacy of these drugs in Pandu.Method:The present study was conducted on 50 children fulfilling inclusion criteria in between the age group of 10 to 14 years. The patients were selected from S.D.M.C.A & Hospital, Hassan. Punarnavadi Mandura 500 mg B.D and dadimadi Ghritha 10 ml B.D with luke warm water for a period of 84 days (3 lunar months) The cases were recorded according to the case proforma prepared for the study and observations were recorded.Result:Symptoms were statistically analyzed before and after treatment, their was statistically significant changes (P < 0.001) were observed in the signs and symptoms of Pandu rogi(IDA). There was a statistically significant response in hemoglobin and other hematological investigation like MCHC, MCV, PCV, Reticulocyte Count, peripheral Blood smear, serum iron, serum Ferritin and Total Iron Bindinig Capacity in the Group (P < 0.001).Conclusion:Punarnavadi Mandura and Dadimadi Ghrita are effective in the management of Pandu roga (Iron Deficiency Anemia).

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