
Purpose: Adult hood attained with paradogmic shift in life style and its own stress leading to birth of many ailments of chronic nature. Hypertension and obesity considered to trigger many fatal diseases. Yoga can be implemented as non pharmacological intervention in these problems. So to evaluate effect of yoga during short term yoga program on semi urban school teachers was carried out. Objectives: To assess effect of yoga techniques on body weight, systolic and diastolic blood pressure during short term practice. Method: 55 Semi urban school teachers between age group 20 to 55 years were subjected to one week Yoga program. Yoga training was given for 2 hrs from 6am to 8am. Yoga session included ASANAS and PRANAYAM, QUICK RELAXATION TECHNIQUE (Q.R.T). Weight, Blood Pressure was recorded before yoga session on first day and on last day after yoga performance. The results were statistically analyzed. Result: During the study, significant result in Weight with t value 2.506 and Systolic Blood pressure with t value 2.214 at P>0.05. But no significant result in Diastolic Blood pressure was observed at P>0.05 with t value 0.413. Discussion: Asana like Surya Namaskara, Ardha kati chakrasana, Paada Hastasana etc may regulate lipid metabolism, calorie expenditure by muscles and soft tissue and also reduced fat accumulation may attributed to Weight reduction. Significant Drop in both systolic and diastolic blood pressure was may be due to Pranayama and Quick Relaxation Technique which helped in reducing stress and increase mental relaxation. Conclusion: 1. Even short term yoga practice has its beneficial effect on weight and blood pressure. 2. Hence yoga therapy can be considered as potential alternative approach for the management of weight and blood pressure.

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