
Poster session 2, September 22, 2022, 12:30 PM - 1:30 PM ObjectivesHistoplasmosis is a geographically restricted dimorphic fungi that causes disseminated infection in immune-competent as well as immunocompromised patients. Adrenal involvement is seen in disseminated disease but sometimes it may be the only site where then infection can be demonstrated. Early diagnosis and treatment are needed to save the patient from fatal adrenal insufficiency. We present a case of bilateral adrenal histoplasmosis in immunocompetent patient.MethodsA 63-year-old male presented to our hospital with a history of insidious onset of decreased appetite and unintentional weight loss for the last 6 months associated with generalized weakness. Patient had a history of mild to moderate intensity epigastric pain and discomfort which was intermittent in nature. Patient originally belongs to Azamgarh, Uttar Pradesh, but he was residing in Kolkata for the last 8 months.Patient had no history of fever, cough, hemoptysis, jaundice, chronic diarrhea, and steatorrhea. No history of orthostatic hypotension, salt craving, hyperpigmentation, headache, visual field disturbances, polyuria, behavioral changes, episodic headache, palpitation, diaphoresis, systemic hypertension with episodic all four-limb weakness. There was no history of abdominal striae, easy bruisability, difficulty in standing from squatting position. There was no history of tuberculosis among family members. On detailed history, it was revealed that he fed pigeons every day in the slum house where he lived in Kolkata.On the CECT abdomen it was found that there is an ill-defined hypodense enhancing lesion (72 × 52 × 77 mm) in right suprarenal region and bulky, necrosed 25 × 26 × 19 mm lesion in left suprarenal gland associated with multiple nonnecrotic paraaortic and aortic caval lymphadenopathy. He also received empirical anti-tubercular therapy for 15 days in the form of ethambutol and levofloxacin.ResultsIn all, 10% KOH wet mount of crushed smear of adrenal biopsy samples showed tissue debris and small narrow neck budding yeasts. Giemsa stain shows few small budding yeasts. Culture was put in SDA at 25°C and 37°C and incubated. On day 12, growth of colony in 25°C appears as white cottony growth with yellowish white reverse. On day 24, colony appears as buff brown with yellowish brown reverse. LPCB was done from the colony showing presence of characteristic tuberculate macroconidia (8–14) μm in diameter formed on short, hyaline, undifferentiated conidiophores and production of plenty round to pyriform microconidia (2–4 μm) in diameter, occurring on short branches and directly on the sides of the hyphae. Based on the direct microscopy and culture characteristics a diagnosis of Histoplasma capsulatum was given.ConclusionSystemic histoplasmosis is typically acquired through inhalation of microconidia or small hyphal elements in soil contaminated with bird and bat droppings leading to primary infection. This patient only manifested bilateral adrenal involvement with nonspecific symptoms.

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