
Objective To determine whether abnormal EEG and neuroimaging are to be considered as valuable predictors for intractable epilepsy and to identify such electroencephalographic and radiological abnormalities associated with medical intractability in children with epilepsy. Methods All children who had a diagnosis of epilepsy in Hamad general hospital before age 5 years from January 2012 till December 2013 were studied; their EEG and neuroimaging results were evaluated and assessed in regard to their long-term epilepsy control. Results Around 90% of children fulfilling diagnosis of intractable epilepsy were below 3 years of age. Male to female ratio was 2:3. 67% of patients cohort had initial abnormal neuro-imaging. More than 70% had abnormal EEG at begining of their illness. Conclusion Early observation and looking for the risk factors for intractable epilepsy may decrease the cost for health care utilization. Medical intractability in childhood epilepsy can be predicted by monitoring these factors, among these factors are: Diagnosis before age 12 months, Abnormal neuroimaging including congenital brain anomalies and acquired insult fallowing asphyxia and traumatic brain injury, and abnormal initial EEG including multifocal spike and wave and abnormal background

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