
Mental health disorders continue to be a serious and expensive global health issue, affecting people of all ages and from all cultures and socio-economic status. The activity of social section of Russia psychiatry has a small history. Role of social section increase to render psychiatrical help. In Russia World Mental Health Day has been conducting since 2001. The goal of this share is to active social and professional organizations of psychiatry, to pay attention of power and public for present interest problems of psychiatry. Social Council by questions of mental health was create in 2005. Commission by conduction of World Mental Health Day in structure of Social Council by questions of mental health appeared in 2008. Competition «For innovation in region of mental health» has been conducting since 2008 in Russia. There are three nominations of Competition: psycoeducation, psycorehabilitation, psycoenlightenment. The missions of Competition are to celebrate humane, original, innovational works of doctors-psychiatrists, social organizations, to pay the attention of power and public for present interest problems of psychiatry, antistygmatization of psychiatry. The victor of Competition is a best region of Russian Federation.32 organizations (dispensary of psychiatry, hospital of psychiatry, social organizations) took part in Competition «For innovation in region of mental health» - 2009.ConclusionsThese shares will promote to inform our population for possibility of psychiatrical science and practice, to form normal relation for psychic patients, to pay the attention of power and public for questions of mental health of population and to consolidate mental health of nation.

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