
IntroductionThe study of clinical features and prognostic significance of autonomic disorders are among the most pressing problems of modern medicine.ObjectivesDynamically within 5 years were observed 50 children at high risk for schizophrenia and 40 children with hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy of the general population. Aims. Evaluation of prognostic significance of autonomic disorders in infancy for mental health in older age groups.MethodsAll patients were examined by clinical methods and EEG, neurosonografia, original screening tables for early childhood.ResultsIn the first year of life in children at high risk for schizophrenia observed mental and motor development within the syndrome of PDD.In infancy the vagotonic orientation prevailed 72, 5%. By 3 years it changed to the amphotonic orientation reaching 76, 0% of children, while the 10, 0% acquired sympathotony, the rest remained vagotonic.The mental state of 37 children to 5 years qualified as schizotipical disorder (F 21.8). In 13 children it was diagnosed schizophrenia, children's type (F20.8). Frequent and sudden changes in the type of tonus correlated with the deterioration of the mental state of a different nature.In the control group at the first year of life prevailed vagotonic orientation, which gradually to age of one year changed by eutonic. During the first 3–5 months of infancy revealed some unstable circulatory, sleep disorders.ConclusionsThe instability of autonomic tone and an abundance of vegetative violations indicate the risk of mental pathology.

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