
We construct a basis of conformal primary wavefunctions (CPWs) for pp-form fields in any dimension, calculating their scalar products and exhibiting the change of basis between conventional plane wave and CPW mode expansions. We also perform the analysis of the associated shadow transforms. For each family of pp-form CPWs, we observe the existence of pure gauge wavefunctions of conformal dimension \Delta=pΔ=p, while shadow pp-forms of this weight are only pure gauge in the critical spacetime dimension value D=2p+2D=2p+2. We then provide a systematic technique to obtain the large-rr asymptotic limit near \mathscr Iℐ based on the method of regions, which naturally takes into account the presence of both ordinary and contact terms on the celestial sphere. In D=4D=4, this allows us to reformulate in a conformal primary language the links between scalars and dual two-forms.

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