
Oxidative stress causes infertility in men by affecting especially sperm morphology. The aim of the study was to examine the frequencies of paraoxonase-1 (PON1) phenotypes and the serum PON1, arylesterase, total antioxidant status (TAS), total oxidant status (TOS), oxidative stress index, catalase and thiol levels in teratozoospermic infertile men and normospermic fertile men. The study included 184 teratozoospermic infertile men and 72 normospermic fertile men. The double substrate method was employed to determine the phenotype distribution of PON1. The evaluation of sperm morphology was made in accordance with the Kruger's criteria. TAS, catalase and thiol levels were determined to be significantly lower in teratozoospermic infertile men compared to normospermic fertile men. A significant change was not observed in the levels of TOS, PON1 and arylesterase. There was a positive correlation between catalase and thiol levels and sperm morphology. While there were significantly more teratozoospermic men with AA phenotypes compared to normospermic men, there were significantly more persons with AB and BB phenotypes in normospermic men than in teratozoospermic men. As far as we know, such a study was conducted for the first time and suggests that PON1 phenotypic distribution may play a significant role in sterile males because of impaired sperm morphology.

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