
PREVIOUS investigations of the oxidation of thiosulphate by the autotrophic micro-organism Thiobacillus thioparus have not led to uniform results. According to Starkey1, thiosulphate is oxidized directly to sulphur and sulphate, and Parker and Prisk2 have also come to a similar conclusion. On the other hand, Vishniac claims that the oxidation of thiosulphate by Th. thioparusoccurs in two stages: the first is the complete oxidation of the substrate to tetrathionate and the second the oxidation of the tetrathionate3. The results of Pratt's investigations4 also suggest the possibility of the appearance of tetrathionate during the oxidation of thiosulphate by Th. thioparus. Pratt showed that in the medium in which Th. thioparus was growing there was an accumulation of some substance, presumably tetrathionate, giving a positive Folin–Ciocalteu reaction.

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