
The occurrence, distribution and nature of ambient thiobacilli along with their ability to oxidize different sulphur species under simulated natural and in vitro culture conditions were studied in the polluted and unpolluted sites of the River Ganga. Thiobacillus thioparus, T. thiooxidans and T. denitrificans were isolated from the river water. the former two occurred in both polluted and unpolluted sites, while T. denitrificans occurred in polluted areas only. the paper pulp mill effluent discharge area contained the highest population of T. thioparus. the sewage drainage area showed relatively higher populations of T. thiooxidans and T. denitrificans. The present study revealed that only biological oxidation of either thiosulphate or elemental sulphur occurred in the river water. All the thiobacilli screened oxidized thiosulphate, and three-fourths of them oxidized elemental sulphur. Some strains were found to be very good acidifiers. in spite of such acidification by the ambient thiobacilli, the pH of the river water remained alkaline. the specific rates of thiosulphate (0.18 -0.51 μMmolh-1 mg-1 cell) and sulphur (1.3 - 6.2 Normality day-1 mg-1 biomass) oxidations under simulated natural condition were found to be higher in polluted areas when compared with the unpolluted one (sulphur: 0.8 - 1.0 Normality day-1 mg-1). Further, addition of thiouslphate or elemental sulphur in the river water in simulated in vitro condition resulted in the increase of respective oxidation rates. the variations in the natae of pollutants discharged into the river water influenced the oxidation rate of thiosulphate or sulphur.

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