
Hemipteran predator abundance varies significantly among crop species. Ovipositional preference by these predators for specific crops may help explain differences in predator abundance among crops. Ovipositional preferences of Nabis roseipennis Reuter between a preferred standard (soybean) and four crops (corn, tomato, tobacco and squash) were determined in paired-choice tests under greenhouse conditions. Significantly more eggs or egg groups were found in soybean than in corn and tomato. Squash was the only plant preferred for oviposition over soybean. Within-plant distribution of eggs varied among plant species and appeared to be independent of prey distribution. The specific site chosen for oviposition in each plant species apparently was determined by plant physical characteristics, possibly including rind toughness and, for tomato and tobacco, glandular trichome presence and age. Patterns of ovipositional preference were similar to previous observations of field abundance and may be partially responsible for those patterns.

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