
Barreado is a typical dish from Paraná, made with beef and some specific spices and cooked for a long time in a clay pot sealed by a mixture of ashes similar to the clay, being this dish produced with greater relevance in the coastal region of the state, where there is the largest productive arrangement of this dish in Brazil and where has a strong gastronomic touristic appeal. Despite the historical, cultural and economic relevance of gastronomic tourism in Paraná, few and sparse studies use the issue, thus, this study aimed to elaborate and show an overview of the current scenario of production and trade of the dish, highlighting the implications and potential of Barreado in Paraná Coast. The survey methodology was based on quantitative and qualitative descriptive exploratory research, the data collection was accomplished between May and June 2020, with 151 consumers.The study revealed that among Barreado consumers there was a predominance of women (n=61.5%). The average age was 40.9 years old, and the majority of the respondents (46.4%) preferred to consume Barreado when it is done by the traditional way of cooking, in a clay pot and on a wood stove for 24 hours. The greatest potential described was the fact that the Barreado is a typical and original product of Paraná and has great acceptance in gastronomic tourism, which reveals its capacity to be a source that drives regional development, however the price considered high and the distribution network in the retail market was classified as deficient, they were identified as limiting factors to the development of the Barreado production and commercialization. In this context, still on the issue of price and its relationship with the consumption, given that it was one of the main factors identified as limiting and the lack of studies on the subject, for further studies on the cost and quality relationship should be considered by researchers in new future studies.

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