
The discussions regarding vulnerability in contemporary society have been the focus of several researches, mainly due to recurring natural disasters, floods being amongst them, that can impact all of the population, particularly the groups that are located in places that are more prone to such events. Furthermore, in the face of climate change which projects even more intense and extreme events, the current studies about vulnerability are of utmost value for the drafting of mitigation and adaptation actions. Viewing what has been presented, the use of reviews based on research and referenced by many researchers are important tools to fill in the blanks, to disseminate methods and techniques and create knowledge. The goal of this article is to identify the most relevant studies and key aspects that underpin the subject of vulnerability and flood, based on a systematic and bibliometric analysis using the Web of Science (WoS) database based on its terms “vulnerability and “flood”. After the introduction of search filters and pre-established criteria, 485 publications have been found all over the continents, prominently in Asia and Europe. Associating to the subject, the articles address the discussions regarding climate change, social vulnerability, hazard, resilience, exposure and adaptation. Such approach is taken for different geographical clippings and scales signaling the need to amplify the methodological and conceptual knowledge, in order to contribute to the precautionary measures and adaptations by funding effective actions by public administrators and civil society facing the direct and indirect impacts caused by environmental disasters.

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