
The review provides information on the weather conditions, a brief description of the synoptic processes that caused the occurrence of natural meteorological phenomena, hydrometeorological and agrometeorological conditions, the state of the water surface of the Caspian Sea in 2021 (January- December) on the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Data from 209 meteorological stations of the Republican Hydrometeorological Fund of RSE "Kazhydromet" were used to prepare a review of the weather condition. The climatic norms of variables were calculated according to the recommendations of the WMO as the average long-term value for the period 1981...2010. Air temperature anomalies are defined as deviations of the observed value from the norm; precipitation anomalies were considered in fractions (percentages) of the norm. The basis for the selection of criteria for natural hydrometeorological phenomena was based on the guiding documents of the RSE "Kazhydromet" "Instructions to meteorological stations and posts. The procedure for transmitting information about dangerous and natural hydrometeorological phenomena", "Methodological guidelines for making a forecast of sea level, run-up phenomena and a bulletin on the Caspian Sea", "Guidance on the forecasting service".

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