
Over the past 20 years, the Act against Restraints of Competition in Germany has been repeatedly adapted to changing market conditions. In particular, the guidance from the European Union has led to extensive reforms. This article is dedicated to the ninth and most recent amendment dated 09.03.2017, which was accompanied by a vivid politi- cal debate. The amendment is primarily a response to the progressive digitalization of markets. Thus, the competition law of Germany becomes the first regime in the world to provide rules for the digital economy.In addition, the amendment provides for significant changes regarding the imposition of antitrust penalties, actions for damages and ministerial approval of mergers. In the case of damages claims, the reason for the amendment was the transposition of European Direc- tive No. 2014/104/EU. Generally, the legislator addressed the shortcomings, which arose during the practical application of the law. This article provides an overview of the signifi- cant modifications to the Act against Restraints of Competition in Germany, in view of its latest amendment, and considers the legal consequences of those modifications.

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