
The goal is to outline conceptual foundations of the circular economy in agriculture, to study the directions of its development. Methods – comparisons, generalizations, expert opinion, statistical based on obtaining primary data, as well as theoretical analysis of scientific literature of foreign and domestic authors. Results – features of the circular transformation of the industry and main differences from the traditional way of agricultural production are determined. The article shows its essence and principles of implementation in agricultural sector. The prospects for world development require the creation of a resource-efficient agri-food system. As a result of the study, indicators were analyzed that can measure the circularity of agro-industrial production: slowdown, reduction and regeneration. It was revealed that in conditions of resource scarcity, climate change, environmental degradation, increasing demand for food, the circular economy is a strategy for the rational use of renewable natural resources, contributes to solving global problems. Conclusions – the proposed approaches to creating a new, rational food and nutrition chain are aimed at maintaining the value of products and resources for a long period, returning them to production cycle after the end of use, minimizing waste generation, reducing food losses, ensuring food security and economic growth. Based on the study of foreign experience, the authors substantiate the importance of state support and scientific support for circular economy. The speedy solution of the issues revealed in the article is of interest in the preparation of draft state, sectoral programs for socio-economic development of the agro-industrial complex, will ensure a more efficient use of raw materials in the framework of production processes.

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