
The main objective of the Steam Cracker is to produce monomers prone to polymerization. The drawback is that polymerization can occur in the Steam Cracker itself. The main monomers fouling precursor is Butadiene. All along the separation process, Butadiene concentration and process temperature change. This implies step changes in polymer structure and fouling level. Several techniques are used to control this fouling, including oxygen ingress control, the use of additives such as antioxidants and free radical scavengers. By a catalytic effect, the metal surfaces can also be a polymerization initiator. The objective of passivation is to modify the Carbon Steel surface into stable magnetite and maghemite. Using electrochemistry to characterize different Carbon Steel samples, we were able to improve our passivation procedure. And when applying metal passivation, we were able to increase run length of Depropanizer reboilers limiting the fouling rate and its impact on operation.

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