
Objective: Knowning the epidemiology and causative agents of ricketsia. Materials: Study involved 202 cases with ricketsia ages 14–70 years old during 1986–2006. The identification was achieved through ELISA, Comlement, Indirect Imunofluoreshence and Weil-Felix Reaction. Methods: Epidemiologic View - We have analyzed the distribution in years, seasons and group ages of ricketsiose Causative agents. Ricketsia were classified based on patogen and clinical presentation. Results: Epidemiologie -The number of cases with Ricketsie varies from 6–84 yearly with a prevalence in months June-September. The incidence was consist with peaks every 4–5 years. The more affected group ages were 20–40 years old, but 14–70 years old were affected as well. Causative Agents: Exantematike Typhos (Murine Typho) 142 cases. Mediterran Butunose Fever 50 cases. Q Fever 10 cases. Conclusions:•Ricketsioses are yearly diseases.•In Albania there are 3 causative group of Ricketsie: Murine Typho, Mediterran Butunose Fever, Q Fever.•The most common our is the Typho Murine 70.3% (142 cases).

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