The Glu-B1al (Bx7OE + By8) allele is important for bread-making quality. The allele was found in a Korean wheat landrace using specific DNA markers. Molecular analyses were conducted to identify the overexpressed Bx7 (Bx7OE) subunit of the allele. The Korean wheat landrace (accession ID: IT166460) showed a similar protein expression level of Bx7 subunit, i.e., overexpression of Bx7 subunit towards cv. Glenlea, Canadian Western Red Spring wheat, which harbors Bx7OE subunit of Glu-B1al as detected on SDS–PAGE (sodium dodecyl sulfate poly-acrylamide gel electrophoresis). In addition, 2-DE (two-dimensional electrophoresis) analysis revealed similar protein expression patterns of the Bx7 subunit regions of IT166460 and Glenlea. The proportion of Bx7 to total HMW-GSs (high molecular weight glutenin subunits) in IT166460 (56.17 ± 0.22%) was higher than that of Chinese Spring (34.75 ± 1.03%) and even that of Glenlea (46.25 ± 1.76%) as assessed by RP-HPLC (reverse-phase high-performance liquid chromatography). Overexpression of Bx7 subunit was caused by gene duplication and indels of the promoter region of the Bx7 gene. IT166460 attained the 43 bp indel of the promoter region, as did Glenlea, i.e., the amplicon size of IT166460 was the same as that of Glenlea. In addition, the nucleotides present in the duplicated gene in IT166460 were the same as those in Glenlea. Bx7OE subunit is critical for dough strength. However, most wheat accessions harboring the subunit are distributed in America. Furthermore, most Korean wheats have little genetic variation in glutenin composition and are associated with inferior bread quality. Hence, IT166460 could be used to improve bread-making quality in the Korean wheat breeding program.
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