
Immoderate, rapid development of humanity demands immoderate exploitation of natural resources and regular environment deterioration. On the other hand, moderate consumption would mean a moderate exploitation of natural resources. Thus, instead of the consumption society should be created a safeguard one which would preserve the nature from exaggerated exploitation and pollution. In the last decades, instead of market economy the advocates of ecological or sustainable economy are appearing, and in order to preserve biosphere the industrial economy would be replaced by the ecological one. By the use of chemical protective or incentive agents, man deteriorated life of Divine creatures, birds, bees and other insects as the native plant pollinators. Man paradoxically polluted the air, poisoned the water, soil and plants by which he feeds himself. Almost all arable lands are poisoned by chemistry (artificial fertilizers, pesticides, herbicides). This process, instead of being slowed down is being accelerated. As the self-proclaimed master of the planet, man is, at the same time, the greatest destroyer. In order not to be the criminal of nature in the future but its fried, man should develop a new ecological consciousness - human ecology, ethical relationship toward nature, give up profit selfish interests, sightless exploitation, dirty and war technology and become the one and the same with nature since the destruction and robbery of nature are one of contemporary civilization inhumanities being made by man at his own harm. Besides being barbarian against nature, man is also barbarian against his fellow-countrymen (dissidents, other believers, poor and rich ones...). None as man is so powerful at other man harm inflict; he causes wars, revolutions, terrorism, and hate against other and own people as the ideal of world peace-making neither exists nor is desirable.


  • Колико је човек XX и XXI века безобзирно и неумерено биће, види се по томе што је тако олако вршио подводне и надземне атомске пробе без обзира на погубне последице по живи свет; што је спреман да у могућем трећем светском рату уништи човечанство; што је филозофија рата у XX и XXI веку поразила филозофију мира

  • Године представља до сада најмоћнију оптужбу за уништавање планете од стране човека

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ЛАЗАРЕВИЋ* Институт за српску културу Приштина /Лепосавић Апстракт: Безобзирно уништавајући природу (биљни и животињски свет, ваздух, воду и земљу) непромишљено је експлоатишући и мењајући из користољубља, човек је као надмоћно биће тако угрозио и опстанак планете Земље. Заборавио је на све моралне норме и обзире и уместо за природу започео поход против природе и себе истовремено. Кључне речи: човек, природа, уништавање, изумирање, узроци и последице, индустријализација, екологија, планета Земља

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